Postów: 3
Data rejestracji: 10.08.2006 21:22
Dziś zainstalowałem sobie dodatek integrujący phpBB z PHP Fusion. Od strony fusion jest oczywiście wszystko ok, ale phpBB robi problemy. Ponieważ ja posiadam phpBB by przemo, a mod jest pod wersję phpBB. Czy mogę prosić o napisanie mi tego kodu pod phpBB by przemo? Oto kod phpBB.. A może coś innego jest przyczyną?
define("IN_PHPBB", true);
$phpbb_root_path = "./";
include($phpbb_root_path . "");
include($phpbb_root_path . "common.".$phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . "includes/bbcode.".$phpEx);
// Verification Key
define("SECURE_REGKEY", "{Tutaj kod autoryzacyjny}");
if (!isset($_GET['userdata'])){
if(isset($_GET['login']) && isset($_GET['pass']) && isset($_GET['joined']) && ($_GET['verification'] == md5(SECURE_REGKEY))){
$login = $_GET['login'];
$pass = $_GET['pass'];
$joined = $_GET['joined'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE username='$login'";
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) message('Could not obtain # information', 'error');
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) echo "USER_FREE";
else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE username='$login' AND (user_password='$pass' OR user_regdate='$joined')";
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) message('Could not obtain # information', 'error');
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) echo "USER_REGISTERED";
else echo "OTHER_USER";
} else echo "VALUES_ERROR";
} else {
$userdata = unserialize(stripslashes(urldecode($_GET['userdata'])));
if (md5(SECURE_REGKEY.$userdata['u']) == $userdata['k']) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE username='".$userdata['u']."'";
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) message('Could not obtain # information', 'error');
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) message('User exists', 'error');
$sql = "SELECT MAX(user_id) AS total FROM ".USERS_TABLE;
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) message('Could not obtain next user_id information', 'error');
if (!($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))) message('Could not obtain next user_id information', 'error');
$user_id = $row['total'] + 1;
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) message('Could not obtain default configuration information', 'error');
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if($row['config_name'] == 'default_style') $style = $row['config_value'];
if($row['config_name'] == 'default_dateformat') $dateformat = $row['config_value'];
if($row['config_name'] == 'board_timezone') $timezone = $row['config_value'];
if($row['config_name'] == 'default_lang') $lang = $row['config_value'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, username, user_regdate, user_password, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_viewemail, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_viewonline, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_popup_pm, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_lang, user_style, user_level, user_allow_pm, user_active, user_actkey) VALUES ($user_id, '".$userdata['u']."', '".$userdata['r']."', '".$userdata['p']."', '".$userdata['e']."', '".$userdata['i']."', '".$userdata['w']."', '', '".$userdata['l']."', '', '".$userdata['s']."', '".make_bbcode_uid()."', '', '', ".($userdata['h'] == 0 ? 1 : 0).", '".$userdata['a']."', '', '', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, $timezone, '$dateformat', '$lang', $style, 0, 1, 1, '')";
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) message('Could not insert data into users table', 'error');
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".GROUPS_TABLE." (group_name, group_description, group_single_user, group_moderator) VALUES ('', 'Personal User', 1, 0)";
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) message('Could not insert data into groups table', 'error');
$group_id = $db->sql_nextid();
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".USER_GROUP_TABLE." (user_id, group_id, user_pending) VALUES ($user_id, $group_id, 0)";
if(!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) message('Could not insert data into user_group table', 'error');
else message('Registration complete');
} else message('Bad key', 'error');
function message($msg, $type="") {
echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">
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<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3; url=".($type == "error" ? "./profile.php?mode=register" : "./index.php")."'>
<title>PHP-Fusion >> phpBB Reg</title>
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<body bgcolor=\"#E5E5E5\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#006699\" vlink=\"#5493B4\">\n\n
<table class=\"forumline\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\">
<tr><th class=\"thHead\" height=\"25\"><b>".($type == 'error' ? 'Error' : 'Message')."</b></th></tr>
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<tr><td align=\"center\"><span class=\"gen\">$msg</span></td></tr>
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