Witam serdecznie prosze o przetlumaczenie Mi tego jesli ktos to umie zrobic bylbym wdzieczny
// If you don't find a languege file in your language in this directory,
// you should translate this file and save as 'lang_xx.php' (where xx
// is the country abbreviation). For how to translate, you can take the
// already translated files as an example.
// Some instructions: don't insert any new line breaks in the file however long
// a line is! Don't rewrite anything else, only what you translate! Don't
// change the order of the lines! Don't write any spaces or new lines after the last line of the file
// (careful! some text editors put new lines at the end of teh files automatically)!
// Translate the other language file, too: 'gorum/lang/lang_en.php'!
// If you are ready with the files, you must write the following line
// in 'constants.php' to activate the new language:
// $language="xx";
// (of course without the leading '//' comment tag)
// If you are ready with the translation, please, send us the translated
// language files (), so that we can release
// them in the next version!
// New for translation:------------------------------------
$lll["settings_showSubmitAd_expl"]="If this is unchecked, only admin can submit an ad";
$lll["settings_expiration_expl"]="0 means that the ads never expire - i.e. expiration disabled.<br><br>Warning: Once you disable ad expiration, don't re-enable it again later any more!";
$lll["u_maintitle"]="Noah's Classifieds update process";
$lll["secure_copy"]="It is recommended to save a rescue copy from the old version of Noah's Classifieds before the update.<br>Copy the program files in a separate directory and make a data base dump for sure!<br>Click OK to continue, or Cancel to abort the update process!";
$lll["ready_to_update"]="Ready to update data base %s to version %s?<br>";
$lll["invalid_version"]="The given version is invalid: %s";
$lll["updateSuccessful"]="The update successfully completed.<br>Hint: As admin, click on the 'Check' menu point to view the state of the classifieds system!";
$lll["updating"]="Updating from version %s to version %s...";
$lll["already_installed"]="The given software version %s is already installed.";
$lll["backToForum"]="Return to the classifieds.";
$lll["settings_showChangePassword"]="Show 'Zmień hasło'";
$lll["settings_showLogout"]="Show 'Zaloguj'";
$lll["settings_showLogin"]="Show 'Login'";
$lll["settings_showRegister"]="pokaż 'Rejestracja'";
$lll["settings_showMyProfile"]="Show Mój profil'";
$lll["settings_showMyAds"]="Show 'My ogłoszenia'";
$lll["settings_showSubmitAd"]="Show 'Submit ad'";
$lll["settings_showRecentAds"]="Show 'Recent ads'";
$lll["settings_showMostPopularAds"]="Show 'Najpopularniejsze ogłoszenia'";
$lll["settings_showSearch"]="pokaż 'Szukaj'";
$lll["settings_showHome"]="Show 'Strona główna'";
$lll["menuPointsSep"]="Menu customization";
$lll["expirationProperties"]="Expiration properties";
$lll["imageProperties"]="Image upload limitations";
$lll["otherProperties"]="Other settings";
$lll["settings_renewal"]="Number of times the user is allowed to prolong his/her expired ads";
$lll["settings_allowModify"]="User is allowed to modify his/her own ads";
// ShoppingCart:
$lll["addToChart"]="Add to shopping cart";
$lll["addedToTheCart"]="The item has been added to the end of the cart. Increase the amount if you want to purchase more items!";
$lll["shoppingcart"]="shopping cart item";
$lll["shoppingcart_ttitle"]="My shopping cart";
$lll["shoppingcart_recent_ttitle"]="Most recent purchases";
$lll["shoppingcart_track_ttitle"]="My purchases";
$lll["shoppingcart_title"]="Item title";
$lll["myCart"]="My shopping cart";
$lll["total"]="Total price";
$lll["amountModified"]="The amount has been successfully modified.";
$lll["loginToPurchase"]="You must log in first to add an item to your shopping cart.";
$lll["viewOrders"]="View orders";
$lll["usersShoppingCart"]="Orders of %s";
$lll["shoppingcart_orderNumber"]="Order #";
$lll["shoppingcart_orderDate"]="Purchase-shippment date";
$lll["ordered"]="p: %s";
$lll["shipped"]="s: %s";
$lll["recentPurchases"]="Recent purchases";
$lll["trackPurchases"]="My purchases";
$lll["classifiedsuser_fullName"]="Full name";
$lll["classifiedsuser_zipCode"]="Zip code";
$lll["purchaseSuccessfull"]="Your purchase has been successfully completed";
$lll["purchaseFailed"]="Your purchase has been failed";
$lll["purchaseFailedNetworkError"]="Your purchase has been failed, since VeriSign couldn't access the MIJ site. Please, contact the site administrator!";
$lll["mailok"]="The send mail test has been successfully completed.";
$lll["mailerr"]="The following error occured during sending out a test mail:<br>%s";
$lll["mailerr_expl"]="There are some features in Noah's Classifieds that necessitates sending out mails. Our program applies standard mail headers which are readable by the majority of mail servers. However, there are some mail servers (mostly Windows based) that would require a non-standard mail header. With these mail servers (yours seems to be amongst (or you might not have a mail server at all!), unfortunately), Noah's Classifieds may not be able to send out mails.";
$lll["here1"]="click here";
$lll["confpreerr"]="There are some characters before the <? in the config file! Please delete these characters (newlines and spaces too)!";
$lll["confposterr"]="There are some characters after the ?> in the config file! Please delete these characters (newlines and spaces too)!";
$lll["conffileok"]="The config file seems to be ok.";
$lll["congrat"]="Congratulations! You have successfully installed Noah's Classifieds!";
$lll["confcheck"]="System configuration checking...";
$lll["confdisapp"]="If you want to begin to work with the software and you want this page to disappear";
$lll["confclicheck"]="You can access this configuration checking page whenever you want if you click on the 'Check' link in the menubar.";
$lll["chadmemail"]="Your current email adress is . Please set it correctly clicking on the 'My profile' link on the menubar!";
$lll["chsyspass"]="Your current system email adress is . Please set it correctly clicking on the 'Settings' link on the menubar!";
$lll["chadmpass"]="The default admin password is not changed yet! Please change it clicking on the 'Change password' link on the menu bar!";
$lll["settings_adminEmail"]="System email";
$lll["nogd"]="Warning: your server doesn't have an installed GD library.";
$lll["nogd_expl"]="(This library is responsible in php programs for the image manipulation, so it might be anyway useful if you put it on your server. In our program it is called for creating thumbnail images to the full sized uploaded pictures. Without this support the program can't generate thumbnails, this way the browser have to shrink 'on-the-fly' each big image in each pages where thumbnails can appear. This method works, but it is far from effective (the page have to download every time every big image). )";
$lll["nopermission"]="The server process has no write permission under the 'pictures/listings' and/or 'pictures/cats' directories.<br>You should go in 'pictures' and execute the following Unix command (in Unix systems, of course):<br><i>chmod 777 listings cats</i>";
$lll["nopermission_expl"]="(Noah's Classifieds tries to save the advertisement pictures under 'pictures/listings' and the category pics under 'pictures/cats'. You have to make sure the program has enough permission to do this.)";
//user overwritten:
$lll["paymentSection"]="Payment Information";
$lll["loggedinas"]="You have logged in as %s.";
$lll["regorlog"]="Please register or log in!";
$lll["my_profile"]="My profile";
$lll["classifiedscategory_allowAd"]="Allow ads";
$lll["classifiedscategory_ttitle"]="Advertisement categories";
$lll["cat_main_tit"]="Advertisement categories";
$lll["modcat"]="Modify this category";
$lll["delcat"]="Delete this category";
$lll["directsubcats"]="Direct subcategories";
$lll["directitemnum"]="Direct advertisements";
$lll["advertisement_newitem"]="Submit ad";
$lll["advertisement_create_form"]="Submit ad";
$lll["advertisement_modify_form"]="Modify ad";
$lll["advertisement_ttitle"]="Advertisements in this category";
$lll["advertisement_my_ttitle"]="My Advertisements";
$lll["advertisement_expirationTime"]="Days left until expiration";
$lll["keepPrivate"]="Hide the private fields";
$lll["expirationProlonged"]="The expiration time has been successfully prolonged.";
$lll["lastRenewal"]="<br>This was the last possible renewal.";
$lll["advertisement_my_title"]="My Advertisements";
$lll["advertisement_inactive_title"]="Inactive Submissions";
$lll["ad_limit_exc"]="Maximal ad length is %s characters. You have typed %s characters! Please make your ad shorter!";
$lll["inactives"]="Inactive Ads";
$lll["new_resp"]="Reply to this posting";
$lll["response_create_form"]="Reply to the posting";
$lll["yourname"]="Your name";
$lll["youremail"]="Your email";
$lll["friendsname"]="Your friend's name";
$lll["friendsemail"]="Your friend's email";
$lll["response_mess"]="Your message";
$lll["friendmail_mess"]="Your message";
$lll["mail_sent"]="We have forwarded your message to the person who has posted this listing.";
$lll["mail_fr_sent"]="We have sent the mail to your friend.";
$lll["clickclose"]="Click here to close this window.";
$lll["new_frie"]="Email this to a friend";
$lll["friendmail_create_form"]="Email to a friend";
$lll["advertisementActive"]="Approved ads";
$lll["advertisementInactive"]="Pending ads";
$lll["advertisement_active_ttitle"]="Approved advertisements";
$lll["advertisement_inactive_ttitle"]="Pending advertisements";
$lll["adApproved"]="The ad has been approved";
$lll["adScheduled"]="It has been scheduled for approval. You will get an email about it.";
$lll["popular"]="Most popular";
$lll["advertisement_popular_ttitle"]="List of the most popular ads";
// picture upload
$lll["picFileSizeToLarge1"]="Error! Can't open the attached picture, or the size of the attached picture may be too large.";
$lll["picFileSizeNull"]="The size of the attached picture is null.";
$lll["picFileSizeToLarge2"]="The size of the attached picture exceeds the maximum %s byte";
$lll["picFileDimensionToLarge"]="The dimension of the attached picture exceeds the maximum %s x %s";
$lll["notValidImageFile"]="The attached file is not a valid image file (must be gif, jpg, or png).";
$lll["cantOpenFile"]="Error opening attached file!";
$lll["cantdelfile"]="Some of the uploaded pictures couldn't be deleted.";
$lll["settings_expiration"]="Ad expiration in days";
$lll["settings_expNoticeBefore"]="Number of days the user must be informed about the expiration before";
$lll["settings_charLimit"]="Number of characters a post can have";
$lll["settings_immediateAppear"]="A new ad appears immediatelly";
$lll["settings_blockSize"]="Ads displayed per page";
$lll["settings_maxPicSize"]="Maximum picture size in bytes";
$lll["settings_maxPicWidth"]="Maximum picture width in pixels";
$lll["settings_maxPicHeight"]="Maximum picture height in pixels";
$lll["settings_thumbnailWidth"]="Thumbnail width";
$lll["settings_thumbnailHeight"]="Thumbnail height";
$lll["classifiedssearch_relationBetweenFields_".search_allFields]="all of the above conditions";
$lll["classifiedssearch_relationBetweenFields_".search_anyFields]="any of the above conditions";
$lll["classifiedssearch_create_form"]="Search on classified ads";
$lll["classifiedssearch_relationBetweenFields"]="Search for results that match";
$lll["classifiedssearch_title"]="Title contains";
$lll["allCategories"]="All categories";
$lll["advertisement_search_ttitle"]="Search Result";
$lll["advancedSearch"]="Category specific advanced search - search for ads where:";
$lll["contains"]=" contains";
$lll["is"]=" is";
$lll["forAddvancedSearch"]="For a category specific advanced search, go to the approppriate category and there click on 'Search' again!";
// Variable Fields
$lll["variableFields"]="Set variable fields";
$lll["varfields_modify_form"]="Set the variable fields of ads for this category";
$lll["varfields_modifydetails_form"]="Set the variable fields details";
$lll["varfields"]="Variable fields";
$lll["defineTheValues"]="You must define the possible values at the selection type fields.";
$lll["defineTheName"]="You must define the name of the active fields.";
$lll["mustBeCommaSeparated"]="The possible values of the selection type fields must be defined as comma separated strings";
$lll["invalidDefaultValue"]="The default value of a selection type field must be one of the comma separated strings listed in the possible values field.";
$lll["showCreationTime"]="Show creation time in the list";
$lll["showExpirationTime"]="Show expiration time in the list";
global $variableFieldsNum;
for( $i=0; $i<$variableFieldsNum; $i++ )
$lll["type_$i"."_".varfields_multipleselection]="Multiple selection";
$lll["type_$i"."_expl"]="Note: To avoid type conflicts, if you have ever set this column to active and there are already advertisements in this category, you can't change the type any more. If you insist on changing the type anyway, you have to remove all advertisements from the category first.";
$lll["default_$i"]="Default value";
$lll["separator_$i"]="Column ".($i+1).".";
$lll["list_$i"]="Appears in list";
$lll["values_$i"]="Possible values";
$lll["innewline_$i"]="Place in new line";
$lll["badwords_$i"]="Apply bad words peplacement";
$lll["allowHtml_$i"]="Allow HTML";
$lll["private_$i"]="Allow to keep private";
$lll["hidden_$i"]="Only for admin visible";
$lll["format_$i"]="Display format";
$lll["format_$i"."_expl"]="You can use it a C-style sprintf format string";
// Ha ez be van allitva akkor a formokban a privatta teheto mezok neve
// utan irodik:
// Menu points:
$lll["advertisement_my"]="My ads";
$lll["advertisement_Active"]="Approved ads";
$lll["advertisement_Inctive"]="Pending ads";
$lll["advertisement_recent"]="Recent ads";
$lll["advertisement_popular"]="Most popular ads";
$lll["myads"]="My Ads";
$lll["allemails_tit"]="List of all emails in the system";
$lll["recentadded"]="Recent added";
$lll["advertisement_all_ttitle"]="Recent added advertisements";
$lll["registerOrLoginToSubmit"]="Please, register yourself or login to submit an ad!";
$lll["selectSubcat"]="Select a subcategory to submit ad in!";
$lll["loggedas"]="You are logged in as %s.";
$lll["logorreg"]="Please register or log in.";
Dziekuje ;):)
kod dawaj w znacznikach code!! poprawiłem/crasch
Edytowane przez crasch dnia 13.04.2006 22:07:47