Postów: 31
Data rejestracji: 26.11.2006 10:53
Mam pytanie czy jest możliwość aby do shoutbox dodać token który będzie musiał wpisać gość jeśli będzie chciał się dopisać ?
Był kiedyś shoutbox w którym trzeba było podać sumę cyfr, jednak całkiem inaczej on wyglądał.
chciałbym ten token ponieważ spisuje się u mnie dobrze podał go jakiś czas temu Pieka
// Create Validation image if $vimage is set and die();
// colorful capcha image generator by amra (
$check_url = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
if (isset($vimage)) {
if (eregi("register.php", $check_url) && preg_match("/^[0-9a-z]{32}$/", $vimage)) {
function rgb_grayscale( $rgb ) {
$color['r'] = 0.299 * $rgb['r'] + 0.587 * $rgb['g'] + 0.114 * $rgb['b'];
$color['g'] = 0.299 * $rgb['r'] + 0.587 * $rgb['g'] + 0.114 * $rgb['b'];
$color['b'] = 0.299 * $rgb['r'] + 0.587 * $rgb['g'] + 0.114 * $rgb['b'];
return $color;
function rgb_complementary($rgb) {
$color['r'] = 255 - $rgb['r'];
$color['g'] = 255 - $rgb['g'];
$color['b'] = 255 - $rgb['b'];
return $color;
function rgb_rand($min=0,$max=255) {
$color['r'] = rand($min,$max);
$color['g'] = rand($min,$max);
$color['b'] = rand($min,$max);
return $color;
function rgb_create($r=0,$g=0,$b=0) {
$color['r'] = $r;
$color['g'] = $g;
$color['b'] = $b;
return $color;
function rgb_merge($lhs, $rhs ) {
$color['r'] = ($lhs['r'] + $rhs['r']) >> 1;
$color['g'] = ($lhs['g'] + $rhs['g']) >> 1;
$color['b'] = ($lhs['b'] + $rhs['b']) >> 1;
return $color;
$vres = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."vcode WHERE vcode_2='$vimage'");
if (dbrows($vres)) {
$vdata = dbarray($vres);
//srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$im = imagecreate(120,30);
$strt = 0;
$rgb = array();
$rgb['background'] = rgb_rand(0,255);
$rgb['foreground'] = rgb_grayscale(rgb_complementary($rgb['background']));
if ( $rgb['foreground']['r'] > 127) {
$strt = -127;
$rgb['foreground'] = rgb_merge($rgb['foreground'],rgb_create(255,255,255));
$rgb['shadow'] = rgb_merge(rgb_complementary($rgb['foreground']),rgb_create(0,0,0 ));
} else {
$strt = 0;
$rgb['foreground'] = rgb_merge($rgb['foreground'],rgb_create(0,0,0));
$rgb['shadow'] = rgb_merge(rgb_complementary($rgb['foreground']),rgb_create(255,255,255));
$color = array();
foreach($rgb as $name => $value) {
$color[$name] = imagecolorallocate($im,$value['r'],$value['g'],$value['b']);
for ($i = 0; $i < rand(5,9); $i++ ) {
$x = rand(0,120);
$y = rand(0,30);
$f = rand(0,5);
$c = rgb_grayscale(rgb_rand(127 - $strt,254 - $strt));
$color[$i] = imagecolorallocate($im,$c['r'],$c['g'],$c['b']);
imagestring($im,$f,$x,$y,$vdata['vcode_1'],$color[$i] );
$x = (120 - (ImageFontWidth(7) * strlen($vdata['vcode_1']))) >> 1;
$y = (30 - ImageFontHeight(7)) >> 1;
imagestring($im,7,$x + 1,$y + 1,$vdata['vcode_1'],$color['shadow'] );
imagestring($im,7,$x,$y,$vdata['vcode_1'],$color['foreground'] );
header('Content-type: image/png');
foreach($color as $name => $value) {
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